What are the chances that there was a drop 6 years ago that mentioned a SKY EVENT on May 10 and then we had auruora visible throughout the world at latitudes where they are extremely rare?

The fact that there were no chemtrails that day to interfere with the sightings makes it even stranger.

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Pretty dasting sequence of events! Hope you got to enjoy!

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Another wonderful stroll down memory lane. Q has really opened the eyes of the world.

I am curious to see what the truth is about Pakistan, Operation Gladio shines a light on that country and the CIA.

Thanks for my weekly update here as well as on Rugpull Radio this week.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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No shortage of things still to learn! Just have to keep our rug detectors calibrated to minimize the pain. God bless!

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Thank you Patriots in Progress. The analysis of QDrops are so important to our understanding of the war we are in and the progress towards our ends. Thank you for the comprehensive compilation of information.

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TattooedTeacher! Hope you have been well. You are very welcome. All glory to the Most High. God bless!

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Excellent reminders on how we awaken at different times and how repetition is not always about ‘we awakened,’ but for those just discovering. It appears the timeline for the reactions of the deep state is quickly decreasing and it appears we might see more bizarre events as they are panicking. I expect the most critical time will be between the November election and the January inauguration…. Thank you for all the work you’ve done to keep us ‘non-anons’ up to date. God bless you.🙏🇺🇸

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"Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes." There is a future proves past in that statement for sure! Shall see what is in store. Hopefully, what ever it is, it will sufficiently align the Overton Window of the public consciousness to remove the vast majority of the dual reality that we all struggle to maintain. I was weary years ago. I remain weary. The mission remains unchanged. God bless!

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