Dec 28, 2021Liked by Patriots In Progress

Thank you!

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Patriots In Progress

Only seven parts in and devolution has raised its head. How very interesting!

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Indeed! I find the Devolution series very interesting and potentially relevant and in play as it recognizes many of the things from the Q boards, but was derived from an author who did not follow Q. As I continue to read the assessments and thoughts of others (e.g. Wartime President series), I believe there are elements of all of them that likely come together make our true reality. Each author hits on some very interesting history, data, connections, and possibilities. I believe we are truly in unprecedented times and that new precedent is likely to be established for future generations to look back on. God bless!

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Patriots In Progress

PatelPatriot has done a wonderful job. I would very much like to read the Wartime President series. As disconcerting as all of this is, reading in-depth and thoughtful commentary is what keeps my sanity. There are hours and hours of talking heads who wander off into the weeds of opinion and speculation.

Can you imagine talking about this in ten years AND How we came together as a nation? I’ll Pray we can.

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