Jun 8Liked by Patriots In Progress

Great article. Q really worked to bring the anon community along so that they could ignore the DS Rat Bastard MSM and effectively follow the crumbs and dig for the Truth. And the power of the Q drops becomes more obvious with each passing day.

Bitcoin has been an amazing learning process (along with many other topics) and I truly believe it is the key to our financial (and more) future.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Agree. Q replaced the news because they were the only ones consistently sharing truth and Anons got trained to do the same over time. We can plainly see that even today, the legacy media has not flinched in working for and protecting the Deep State. Take any of the following and review the associated gaslighting as a case study: inflation, the economy, wars, health, climate, immigration, crime, etc. Enemy of the people, as Trump continuously said! Bitcoin continues to spread like wildfire. Its long been game over, we are simply waiting for the last moves and whatever else is yet to be revealed. May God be with us all! God bless!

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When one maintains the 40k’ viewpoint (and with hindsight) reads the analysis you provide, we clearly see the movement behind the scenes has been much larger than we could possibly expect. That is a hope-filled view. It is clear at this point that the remaining time to the election will be filled with panicked/increasingly violent actions by the cabal’s minions and increasingly public exposures by the truth community. It seems at this point that the information released is extremely measured…..both to obtain the greatest possible awakening and to quietly snap shut the traps set for the enemy. This is going to be a long hot summer, likely assisted by HAARP’s activities. We must always remember God’s grace in all things and remain thankful for all those, including you, who have been gifted and prepared for specific roles in this ancient battle between good and evil. God bless you, and all who support your work.🙏🙏

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I was listening to a pastor this week discuss how the difference between life and death is very often hope and faith. He provided an example of numerous cancer patients who, when studied, likely survived or died due to their outlook upon and shortly after diagnosis. While the war has been rough (undoubtedly a diagnosis of death), a long journey with many ups and downs, things like the Bible, Bitcoin, and Q all give me infinite amounts of hope to draw from as we pursue and spread the cure of Truth. Buckle up, one way or the other, I believe they are going to land this thing. God bless and thank you for your continued support!

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Jun 8Liked by Patriots In Progress

My mother at 60 was diagnosed with esophageal cancer (metastasized) and she was given less than 5% chance/3 months. She died 30 years later at 90….all because she was positive in all respects!

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Wow! Great testimony. Glad you got to spend all that extra time with her!

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I told God I wasn’t ready and He answered all our prayers. We had a celebration at 85….and she lived 5 more. It was a blessing and God knew.🙏❤️

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Jun 8Liked by Patriots In Progress

amen to that!

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