Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Hope you get to enjoy some family time.

Loved this article. I become more convinced every day that Bitcoin is not just critical financial security but also a strategic weapon that Softwar point to... The Best Is Yet to Come!

It never ceases to amaze me how much insight Q shared throughout these drops. It is very reassuring to see all the insight Q provided the world. I also love to see Q taunt the DS Rat Bastards!

The children still quickly bring me back to reality and focus on what we are fighting for.

Thanks for all your outstanding work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Happy Memorial Day weekend as well! Hope you also get a chance to relax and be with family and friends. Things are popping off in clown world. Can't wait until Thursday! The Bible, Q drops, Softwar, etc. have all prepared us for whatever comes next. May God be with us all. We do this for all future generations! God bless!

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Thank you for explaining these posts! Now, it’s confirmed the real purpose (likely many more) of Sessions and Mueller that I interpret as the evidence is collects and secured…ready for the tribunal/justice phase.

This also opens up the pedophilia reference that will become the #1 issue at some point because it’s at the core. Revealed and hinted at a little at a time!

Thank you so much for your consistent work on educating us!! God bless you.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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Always learning new things. Truly amazing what we have witnessed. May God be with us as we work through the summer. God bless!

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