Again, thank you for helping us understand some of the planning behind the drops as well as noting that the battle will be counted in years. It’s been 8 years since Trump announced and although in some ways it seems like a long time; yet, in others the time seems to have passed very quickly! It’s very comforting to see drops that have played out exactly as planned. God has gifted so many for this battle, including you! God bless you.🙏

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Shadilay! The seasons definitely come and go, with some seeming very fast, and others seeming very slow. Sometimes I look back and it seems like just yesterday since this all started heating up. Other times I look back and it seems like many lifetimes ago. Funny how that happens! I still have great confidence that we are on the right trajectory and can back that up with various data points. Thank you for your continued support! God bless!

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What do you think of Vivek? What or black? Controlled opposition?

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At this point, I believe anyone within America who gets a prominent spotlight in the public narrative is either under direct control or heavily influenced to progress the plan. Therefore, I don't focus too much on white hat vs. black hat, the warring between players on the screen, etc. I believe there are players who's role it is to further expose the system and others who's role it is to plant the seeds necessary to move the Overton Window and move the public towards unity against the common enemy. As for Vivek, I saw him at Bitcoin 2023 (he is pro-Bitcoin), however one of the first things he said was along the lines of "we can make a deal with the FED / minimize their role," to which I am fundamentally opposed (i.e. end the FED - NO DEALS). After that, I haven't paid much attention but see that he still captures the spotlight and is potentially being considered for other roles (e.g. VP has been floated). Again, I believe he has a role, I do not know exactly what that is, but trust the Patriots will either expose him or give him additional responsibility. Anymore, I focus on the one thing I know will make a difference long term, buying, hodling, and educating others about Bitcoin, which defunds the corruption and endless wars entirely. Hope that helps a bit.

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Thank you. I’m certain we are in good hands. Being aware and in prayer is what centers me. You mentioned discernment. That was tough for me in the beginning as I was behind when Q began his message and I have gone through some confusion. I believe if we walk in the Spirit, the answers are there. Our Lord puts people who have the ability to help others understand and I will forever be grateful for all the anons who forged through and helped us all.

We have the power given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we are warriors. I will never bend a knee to anyone or anything but Him.

Thank you again. My only issue is trying to understand bitcoin. I’m dyslexic with numbers. Didn’t realize it until I was old. Never grasped it and transposed numbers like those who do so with reading. Any suggestions?

Looking forward to your next article!

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Well said! I believe there is great wisdom accessible through the Holy Spirit for those who walk with Christ. However, it is not automatic and we must be seeking the Lord as we attempt to discern this wacky world! I see both strong and weak, awake and sleepy, Christians in the church. Fortunately, I see continued progress in local engagements that give me hope. People are slowly starting to understand that something is seriously wrong and are starting to ask more questions / piece together the reasons why.

Don't worry about past confusion and difficulties! We all experienced them to some extent. Some still do. What matters is the continued drive to make progress, learn from our shortcomings, and attempting not to repeat them. The fog of war is very thick and there are many who intentionally / unintentionally mislead people for a variety of reasons.

As for Bitcoin, the best way to get up to speed is by immersing yourself in the various resources for education (e.g. books, podcasts) within the "orange pill" rabbit hole. Much like you have done to get this far down the "red pill" rabbit hole. It's a process of education and there is no magic recipe for understanding. It clicks with everyone at a different pace. I wouldn't think number dyslexia would be a huge hurdle to overcome, though you would need to be aware of various risks and mitigations. To help, we have created a service to help get people up to speed, based on their personal situation. You can go to endthebankers.com to set up a [free 15 minute] consultation with me. There is no commitment required and I will get you the basic set of information through the free consult to get you started.

Hope you have a great week. God bless!

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Thank you for your encouragement. Yes it gets foggy in my brain but moments of clarity are coming in clearer.

I will check this out when my husband is finished hunting so we both can research together. He’s great with numbers and he gets me!!!

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