The Q drops must be the most complicated operation plan ever. To simultaneously alert anons, distract the enemy from their meaning, and maintain specific time stamps, etc., is truly mind boggling and I have experience with plans in a previous time. Amazing, and just as amazing to me, is the vast anon army, each gifted by God for their specific role in this most epic battle. God bless each of you and THANK YOU for all you have done, are doing, and what you will be doing in the future! You are much appreciated by all the world’s patriots who have a glimmer of your parts in this.🙏🙏

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Very well put. I like to think of the conglomeration of Anons as a biological super computer that the Patriots can use to sort, analyze, compile, etc. data sets with lightning speed and accuracy. Definitely not perfect and we have learned along the way. Yall are very welcome. It is my honor and pleasure to serve you as I am able via my time, energy, spiritual, and mental capacity during this time. I pray the very best for everyone. God bless!

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The mastermind(s) behind the Q drops and the banter with the Anons has provided so much information about what is really going on in the world and it helped prepare Anons to continue to dissect the narrative deployments to keep We the People marching forward. One day the world will look back at these drops as the Rosetta Stone that opened the eyes of We the People and the world.

Thanks for another great review.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Absolutely! Love the Rosetta Stone metaphor (encryption / decryption tool). I believe we will study these things for many generations to come. Fugg the mainstream history channels, come to Badlands Media! Kek. God bless!

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Funny you say that, my wife and I will now watch things like the "History Channel" and be constantly calling BULLSHIT on most of what they say.

Once you peek behind the curtain and see their lies staring you in the face the whole world looks very different.

Thanks my Fren, keep up the great work.

God Wins!

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I was in a barber shop the other day and they had the Discovery channel on. Almost had to leave. KEK.

God bless!

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Wonderful thought: Rosetta Stone. Great comparison! God bless you.🙏

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Thanks for this breakdown. I thoroughly enjoy these as they renew my hope and faith and teach me something every week.

God bless you!


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No problem. Thank you for the feedback and encouragement. I am very humbled the material has been received so well by the community! Lord willing, I will be here turning them out and fighting the good fight. God bless!

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Hi I usually listen with the Substack app but it doesn’t have that option for this one? Btw love your Substack. Has opened my eyes a lot!

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Not sure why that is. On my end, there is nothing that has changed. Hope you / they get it figured out! I love listening to content on 2x. Glad you enjoy! God bless!

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Always! God bless!

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