Thanks for an awesome article. This really hit me powerfully. I don’t know if it’s my awakening journey or more general but this article really highlights the power of the Q Drops on this war.

The initial set of drops opened our eyes to the global network of spying that was being used against We the People. And looking at the entire picture and connecting the dots is critical to understanding the true nature of this Evil.

It is amazing to see how all these DS Rat Bastards have always played Long Ball all the while enslaving the masses to look no further ahead than our next paycheck. This enabled the DS Rat Bastards to collect all the wealth while We the People build and guarded our own prison.

Bitcoin is so powerful and thanks to your articles and videos I was awakened to it over the past few years. It is quite a bottomless rabbit hole but truly worth the time and effort to gain a comfort with it.

I often wonder how I could have been so blind for soo long...

But as Q often states God is the key to our Awakening and with it comes a new day. God is Good!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I am mind-blown right there with you! Every time I write one of these, with the benefit of hindsight, and the lens of Bitcoin, I am astonished. Very multi-faceted and compartmentalized, as you suggest, ultimately revealing a [very] wicked system. They [were] absolutely the infinite player in the game before Bitcoin (obviously, and thankfully, we have always had God spiritually - regardless of infinite slavery). I am thankful very thankful for Bitcoin and believe it is a gift from God to help us through this time and into the next phase of the story. With Bitcoin we can truly aim for an entirely different outcome for what has traditionally been a viciously repeating cycle. Without Bitcoin can only aim for a repeat. No bearing on our eternal state, but important if we are to remain on earth. We all come to our point of awakening when we are individually ready. God is still working on me to this day. I look forward to what He shows me next that I should have been able to see all along. God bless!

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God bless!

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Thank you! Loved rugpull interview of the texan fella the other day - he is brilliant

God bless!

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Thank you for the feedback! I love Jimmy Song and am very happy he was able to make some time for Badlanders! Look forward to reading some of his books. Enjoy your week! God bless!

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You always explain these drops so well! It’s so interesting that several years later we are able to see much hinted at in the drops come to fruition. Your priorities are right and God is knowledgeable about all of this and He is in control. I haven’t seen much of Jeff Sessions lately but I still consider he might be involved behind the scenes in some of these investigations! 40k view is the best practice! Thank you and may God bless you.🙏

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