Jul 22, 2023Liked by Patriots In Progress

"Remember, when the Israelites were wandering and fighting in the desert, on their way to the promised land, they were [already] free from Pharoah. They were simply walking through the process of awakening to that truth." - Dasting!

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They also blamed Moses for the duration, opining about how good they used to have it back in Egypt under Pharaoh. Some things never change. Kek!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Patriots In Progress


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Appreciate that. WWG1WGA! God bless!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Patriots In Progress

Hot damn and Thank you! Thanks for re-invigorating or re-inspiring about Q drops. I have only read some books on Q and some small portion of the actual posts, as well as done searches on the .pdf that was published probably in 2020. Anyway, today's post has some truly encouraging info and that is Inspiring~ I have known you guys are out there on EOTS, but now I will have to check some video's out. So much to do - so much content to be aware of, but yes, It is good to focus on accurate truthful info, even though we need to investigate much of it to ... really know it or be comfortable with it. I pray for the day when we have less intentional dis-info and dissonance and can really Grok the Good News!

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Glad the material has been helpful! Definitely check out the different material, as you are able. There is an infinite amount of data out there. Search for signal. Vet everything continuously over time. Look forward to the best, which is yet to come! God bless!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Patriots In Progress

Thanks for all your hard work. Loved this article, love EOTS and Rug Pull Radio.

Bitcoin is an amazing Rabbit Hole that I find more and more interesting every day.

The Q Drops tied to our daily habbenings is truly mind blowing. I feel more and more comfyAF with each passing day.

Keep up the great work my Fren! Prayers your way!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Always appreciate the prayers! Right back at you! Bible, Q, Bitcoin, Trump, Pepe, etc. get no less interesting with time. All connected. All here to take out the trash. LFG! God bless!

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Patriots In Progress

I very much appreciate the information on Bitcoin as it is somewhat confusing to me. It is so obvious now that there actually is a plan for exposing the evil in the world as we can look back a couple of short years and be able to see how the cabal and its minions are weakening. Your part in this war is so helpful to those of us who are not experts on the Q posts.

Thank you and God continue to bless you.🙏

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Glad you are picking up on the Bitcoin signal and seeing the larger connections RE the evil. There is no doubt we continue to make progress in the general population sense. There is no going back. So long as the Lord keeps me here, I will be fighting the good fight. So thankful we can do it peacefully with Bitcoin and spreading signal! God bless!

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Thank you. Great read.

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