All Q Drops – Part 226: NSA Deletes 685 Million Records. Abolish ICE? This is [War]. Time to Exit [Slavery]. Power to the People. No [FEAR].
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For each publication, I will review at least one Q drop and discuss at a high level. There is a vast amount of data out there that I cannot hope to capture in these publications. Therefore, I encourage each of you to independently research the data and come to your own conclusions.
Drop #1646 (
Q provides a high-level summary of the Deep State system in drop #1646. Q begins by telling Anons that everyone has a choice, the choice has always been ours, and declares POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Q stresses the Deep State agenda is to generate division, race wars, class wars, religious wars, political wars, or simply, [WAR]. Over time the enemy infiltrated all aspects of society and set up strong holds. Therefore, they use the media, Hollywood, political leaders, etc. to generate a loud environment of group think, shaming anyone who challenges the agenda. Ultimately, Q defines the system we are in as [SLAVERY].
Fortunately, we are the infinite player with the high ground. Therefore, the Deep State clearly sees what is coming. Q highlights the historic nature of both the exposure operation and the Deep State coming out of the shadows to fight. The TRUTH is plainly evident. Q lists a variety of actions the Deep State has openly made that clearly demonstrates their hate for humanity, to include (but definitely not limited to), defending MS-13, destroying the border, stoking fears of nuclear war, projecting communism on Patriots, promoting violence, promoting hate, promoting war, promoting economic decline, promoting NK to back out of talks with Trump, promoting impeachment with no grounds, promoting racism, promoting fascism, promoting riots, and forming groups like Antifa.
Q re-iterates the Deep State HATES America. Unfortunately, people were generationally domesticated in a variety of ways (i.e. sheep) to help ensure they would follow the Deep State agenda blindly and never revolt (due to FEAR). Fortunately, we have witnessed a Great Awakening that has caused the Deep State to lose control. Q declares Trump and the Patriots knew the day would come and re-posts the iconic video, “This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected.” As always, I encourage you to give it [another] listen. Q states Trump and the Patriots planned, took over key elements (think money), and stand at the ready to FIGHT.
Fundamentally, we are exposing dark with light. Q asks God to bless America and patriots around the world. Q urges Anons to THINK FOR YOURSELF and TRUST YOURSELF. Securing freedom requires COURAGE and UNITY. Q ends the drop by posting a quote from the Declaration of Independence and 1 Corinthians 16:13. I recommend reading “Revolution Founded at the [Crossroads],” where I discuss revolution, Trump, Bitcoin, the Declaration of Independence, and Jesus.
Drops #1647 and #1648 (
Q provides a screenshot of drop #1316 in drop #1647 and tells Anons to think logically. This list contains a variety of resignations from the three letter agencies. Q re-posts drop #1647, and provides a screenshot of drop #1319, in drop #1648. This list contains a variety of resignations from the House and Senate. Both drops reference other resignations (e.g. CEOs). In both drops, Q asks if the activity was normal and if it were all a conspiracy. Note conspiracy is different than conspiracy [theory].
Drops #1649 through #1652 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1649. The Anon re-posts drop #1648, pleads with Q to not let No Name off the hook, and emphasizes “he is a disgrace to Veterans across this great country and needs to be held accountable.” Q points to an upcoming Supreme Court vote, No Name activity, says every dog has its day, and provides the signature [enjoy the show]. “Sen. John McCain's extended absence from Capitol Hill could complicate the confirmation process for President Donald Trump's new Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh's nomination to the high court will need at least 51 votes and with the Arizona Republican still home-bound in his Cornville cabin following brain-cancer treatment.” We will continue to track.
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1650. The Anon re-posts drop #1649 and states, “go Gowdy.” Q responds to the Anon stating it would not be Gowdy. Q re-posts the meme from drop #940 in drop #1651, comparing the 1933 Paramilitary Wing of the Communist Party of Germany (Antifaschistische Aktion) and the 2017 Paramilitary Wing of the Democratic Party of America (Antifascist Action) flag logos. Q provides a link to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement website and provides its then-current mission statement, which is to prevent terrorism and combat human trafficking.
Q highlights the Deep State’s agenda to abolish ICE. On June 29, 2018, Time Magazine reported, “Amid a national debate over the Trump administration’s immigration policies, a movement to ‘Abolish ICE’ — short for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency — is gaining national attention.” “Abolishing ICE is prominently featured on the platform championed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old newcomer who defeated 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley earlier this week in a New York Congressional primary, and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) introduced a bill in the House that would abolish ICE earlier this week.” Q ends the drop by indicating that this agenda would not go well for the Deep State. None of them have.
Drops #1653 through #1655 (
Q posts a screenshot of a CNN article in drop #1653. The article highlights Senator Tim Scott’s plans to nominate Trey Gowdy as a candidate for the supreme court. Ultimately, I find this drop interesting because Tim Scott is a Bitcoiner who was at Bitcoin 2024 with Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, Cynthia Lummis, and others. I encourage you to watch the following presentation by Tim Scott and Cynthia Lummis. Remember, multiple meanings exist (think spotlight). Q ends the drop by stating what a COINcidence.
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1654. The Anon posts a Washington Times article, points out that NSA deleted 685 million call records, and asks Q if that included Hillary, McCabe, Strzok, Page, and Rosenstein calls. Q responds to the Anon by instructing Anons to delete what they no longer needed and saved what they needed.
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1655. The Anon re-posts drop #1653 and attempts to trap Q by stating, “but but but but you just said it will not be Gowdy.” Q responds to the Anon by telling them being on the list does not equate to being nominated.
Drops #1656 through #1658 (
Q re-posts drop #1655 in drop #1656. Q clarifies that Gowdy not getting the Supreme Court nomination did not affect his allegiance and declares him as a Patriot. Q provides a Business Insider article in drop #1657 and asks Anons if they could feel the writer’s emotion / anger. It’s a long article, but I will provide the following quote to illustrate the point. “If this press release is really a frog-Nazi alt-right mole s--tpost from four months ago with an inside-joke headline, where's the 4Chan thread celebrating it? Internet Nazis are not exactly a quiet bunch.”
What I find most interesting about the article is that it attempts to delegitimize numerical analysis and numerical pattern recognition. While there are some horrendous analyses that deserve to be mocked, as we have discussed, Q provides alpha-numeric ciphers as a valid decode methodology. Which reminds me, have you read the Covfefe dig yet?
Q provides a Snope’s article and asks if they were doxing the billboard owners. The article highlights a Q / WWG1WGA billboard, describes their investigation process to find the owner, and provides many details that can be used to identify the business (which can lead to the owner). Feel free to check it out for yourself. Q reminds Anons the Deep State is SCARED of an awakened, free-thinking, free-talking, and collective population. Q ends the drop with the signature, [Stay UNITED]!
Q provides a screenshot of a spreadsheet tracking sealed indictments in drop #1658. Towards the bottom, in yellow, it highlights an average of 5,060 new indictments since 10/31/2017. Ultimately, the pace had RAPIDLY increased (note at bottom specifies 1,077 in all of 2006). Q responds to the Anon by commending the tracking, emphasizing the magnitude is bigger than people can possibly imagine, and asks if they thought nothing was being done.
If you have made it to the end, congratulations! I hope you have had a wonderful week. For perspective on current events and how they relate to the Q drops, check out the collective analysis from Anons on Badlands Media! Things are absolutely wild right now with no indications it will slow down anytime soon! Please show your support by subscribing and sharing the content. Hodl the line, relinquish nothing, advance when possible! God Bless, Patriots!
1 John 4:5-6 (NKJV) “They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
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Patriots in Progress is my "opinion." Anything said by me, or my guests is either opinion, criticism, information, or commentary. This content is not financial advice. I encourage you to use this as a starting point to do / continue your own research.
Thanks Shawn other than Faith getting into the Q Drops has been the best part of my Awakening Journey. The more I learn about Q the more comfyAF I grow.
Hope all is well. Miss you on Rugpull Radio,
Keep up the great work.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
It’s so gratifying to more clearly see how much progress has been made! Thank you for helping us understand!