All Q Drops – Part 225: Bourne’s [Deep Dream]. Military Options Require Strategic Moves. [Force] the Question. Sheep No More!
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For each publication, I will review at least one Q drop and discuss at a high level. There is a vast amount of data out there that I cannot hope to capture in these publications. Therefore, I encourage each of you to independently research the data and come to your own conclusions.
Drops #1637, #1639 and #1640 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1637. The Anon re-posts drop #1636 and asks Q if they had any comment on NK facilities and General Kelly. “Nearly three weeks since North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un committed to complete denuclearization, multiple signs have emerged of expanding activity at his country’s nuclear facilities. If the reports are true, that would mean Kim has yet to take concrete steps to fulfill the pledge he made at a historic summit with U.S. President Donald Trump on June 12.”
Q responds to the Anon by emphasizing these stories were FAKE NEWS (originating in the UK) and states North Korea had already begun denuclearization under guidance from the US. Q clarifies actions were taken quickly and asks why people were always being moved around (think Trump’s administration). Recall our discussions from drop #1433 about how temporary appointments are sometimes used to carry out actions that can be viewed, or portrayed, as negative (i.e. bad optics). Q later refers to this as the “Scaramucci” model. Q stresses these moves were strategic in nature, supporting both the plan and military operations.
Q provides another security test in drop #1639. Q responds to an Anon in drop #1640. The Anon posts a graphic titled “wut.png” showing a notification that the thread had been deleted or pruned. The Anon clarifies the picture was of the last bread, indicates they were receiving a host error (502), and asks if there was a distributed denial-of-service attack. Q responds to the Anon by confirming the site was experiencing a series of attacks and stresses it was due to highly sensitive information being shared.
Drop #1638 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1638. The Anon re-posts drop #1636, posts a graphic titled “mind control.jpg” (I couldn’t recover), and posts an interesting New York Post article about the Jason Bourne movies and MK Ultra.
The Anon openly wonders what Haspel was doing and suggests it was time to dig for Ramos’ therapist. Q responds to the Anon by providing a screenshot of a thread from another Anon named DEEP DREAL. In the screenshot, the Anon posts drop #790 (highlighting Project Deepdream), a screenshot of the “Jason Bourne (Film)” Wikipedia page (highlighting the movie’s social media giant “Deep Dream” –used for real-time mass surveillance), and another screenshot of the “Jason Bourne (Film)” Wikipedia page (highlighting the CIA’s targeted assassination “Beta” program titled “Iron Hand”).
The Anon concludes that Twitter was the real-life version of Deep Dream from the movie. Q responds to the Anon by emphasizing critical thinking about the movie series and provides some clues to help Anons connect the dots. Q tells Anons covert operations were classified (operators, good and bad, never divulge), careers could be installed (e.g. you are a therapist), sometimes things started with jail (think cell), and dropping prior charges was an effective leverage point (e.g. do this and it will be like this never happened). We will continue to track as we move forward.
Drops #1641 and #1642 (
Q highlights a coordinated effort to ramp up pro-violent content on the board threads in drop #1641. Q re-iterates 4chan was compromised (mods controlled). Q clarifies the coordinated effort ramping up was designed to stage, frame, and trap pro-Trump supporters. Next, Q highlights Shareblue.
Q provides a Huffington Post article and highlights the active coordination to smear the movement. “Within hours of the mass shooting Thursday at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, the worst factions of the internet were doing what they do best: starting the ‘false flag’ threads, celebrating that ‘leftists’ ― in this case, five people in a newsroom ― were dead, and worrying about how this horrible shooting would play for conservatives.”
The article provides some examples from Reddit, Twitter, and 4chan. Q indicates the legacy media outcry (cause) was manufactured to provide an avenue of response (effect). The attacks would not slow down or decrease in magnitude (think January 6, 2021). Regardless, our movement has never and will never condone violence. Anyone telling you otherwise doesn’t understand Bitcoin and Softwar.
Q re-posts a screenshot of drop #1484 in drop #1642. Q asks Anons what vote occurred that day and re-emphasizes the full weight of the house signature, and asks what it provided supportable grounds for. “On the House floor, Republicans voted in lock step to give the Justice Department seven days to produce sensitive documents related to the Russia inquiry and the F.B.I.’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email use. Though nonbinding, the measure was intended to put Mr. Rosenstein on notice that House lawmakers were willing to take punitive action — potentially including impeachment — if their demands were not met.” Q ends the drop, applying additional pressure, by highlighting the deadline.
Drop #1643 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1643. The Anon responds to another Anon who posts a link to an article from Brock Dorsey titled "Qanon: The Path to Dictatorship.” The article has a few nuggets of information but is largely a hit piece against the movement. The second Anon highlights the names, [BROCK], [DORSEY], [CORSI], and states “bullshit meter off the charts with this one.” Q responds to the Anon by stating Trump and the Patriots were waiting for a legacy media reporter to ask the ultimate question.
Q provokes the Deep State by asking what they were waiting for. Q further antagonizes the Deep State by suggesting they could end it at any time by simply asking Trump. Q ends the drop by indicating Trump and the Patriots would eventually “force” the question (or answer). As we have discussed, Trump and the Patriots have highlighted a tremendous amount of Q content. Here is a recent video post from Elon Musk. Pay attention to what happens between 0:36 to 0:39. This is both a great example of “forcing” the subject and “more to find over time.”
Drops #1644 and #1645 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1644. The Anon re-posts drop #1643 and expresses their hope the Deep State wouldn’t ask the question, and jokes about them squirming to manage the chaos of constantly lying about Q and Anons while simultaneously getting exposed by Q and Anons. I wonder if the Anon is as happy with the outcome as they expected. Q responds to the Anon by telling them the public acknowledgement of Q was necessary. Q clarifies this by stating that either the accusation (by the Deep State) or the admission (by Trump and the Patriots) would result in the need to prove everything stated in the drops. Ultimately, this would dispel the “conspiracy theory” label.
Q reminds Anons the Deep State fears an awakened population. Therefore, instead of doing investigative journalism and asking questions, they will continue to manufacture propaganda to push their agenda. Q assures Anons the Deep State knew the Q drops were real and emphasizes the movement was growing exponentially. However, Q cautions Anons that the truth would cause people to become lost and terrified, while they wrestled with the paradigm shift. Q adds that some people would reject the truth. Therefore, Anons have a unique role in guiding people through the process. Q encourages Anons by telling them not to be afraid and emphasizing victory is the outcome.
Q points to Huber, three letter agency re-organizations, human trafficking arrests / exposure, and resignations as supporting data. Q asks how you can remove evil in a position of power unless you reveal the ultimate truth. This reminds me of the book of Revelation, when the end draws near and the revelation of Truth (Jesus) deals with the king of this world (Satan). “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). This also reminds me of the time chain, that exposes the root cause (love of money) of all sorts of evil (think global enslavement through money) every 10 minutes. While the other topics are important, there’s a hierarchy of importance relative to sovereignty. Q ends the drop by re-emphasizing the process needed to be both compelling and neutral to avoid a political divide or negative optics. Ultimately, the goal is [sheep no more]!
Q+ tells Anons to play LOUD and be PROUD in drop #1645. Q+ re-posts a link to the “We Must Fight - Ronald Reagan” video. Q+ encourages the Anons to FIGHT for what is RIGHT, for FREEDOM, and that the Deep State would not win in the end. Q+ ends the drop by stating that attempts to divide will ultimately fail, unity will increase, and TOGETHER we’ll win. WWG1WGA!
If you have made it to the end, congratulations! I hope you have had a wonderful week. For my perspective on current events and how they relate to the Q drops, please watch Eye of the Storm and Rugpull Radio on Badlands Media! Things are absolutely wild right now with no indications it will slow down anytime soon! Please show your support by subscribing and sharing the content. Hodl the line, relinquish nothing, advance when possible! God Bless, Patriots!
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1 John 4:5-6 (NKJV) “They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
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Patriots in Progress is my "opinion." Anything said by me, or my guests is either opinion, criticism, information, or commentary. This content is not financial advice. I encourage you to use this as a starting point to do / continue your own research.
It’s very interesting how the drops make more sense with the hindsight we now have. I reread the drops recently and am amazed how much has happened. Obviously we have much more to learn and accomplish, but the enemy and their minions here are doing everything possible to stop what they know is coming-justice. We see this worldwide as well as the ridiculous posturing of the Senate questioners in the cabinet hearings. Thank you for making our understanding more clear. This truly is the most amazing plan and its brilliance, along with based patriots, gifted by God for their roles, will ensure it succeeds. Thank you for your part. God bless you.🙏
WOW that was a fun journey today. I am not sure if it was the content or the fact that I cannot get the smile off my face since we got the band back together (Trump 2.0) :-)
I cannot believe this is #225, time flies when you are having fun,,,
Good to see your post in my email queue, hope all is well.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!