All Q Drops – Part 224: Dream to Reality. Comey Kills Wikileaks Deal. Did Maxine Spark Capital Gazette Shooting? What’s with the Symbols?
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For each publication, I will review at least one Q drop and discuss at a high level. There is a vast amount of data out there that I cannot hope to capture in these publications. Therefore, I encourage each of you to independently research the data and come to your own conclusions.
Drops #1623, #1624, #1625, and #1629 (
Q re-emphasizes continuous Deep State attempts to normalize evil and posts a link to a Fox News article in drop #1623. “Netflix has come under fire for a movie streaming on their site that some viewers say contains a scene that is child pornography. The opening scene of the Argentinian film "Desire" depicts two young girls under the age of 10 playing around with pillows. The scene takes a sexual turn involving one of the girls.” This wouldn’t be the last time Netflix would receive backlash for releasing this type of content.
Q asks Anons who had recently joined the Board of Netflix. On March 28, 2018, Netflix announced, “the appointment to its board of directors of Ambassador Susan E. Rice, a former US National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the United Nations.” One of many interesting decisions for the company as we would move forward. Q ends the drop indicating the move signaled the Deep State attempting to get ahead of future events.
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1624. The Anon re-posts drop #1623, expresses their disgust with the Deep State’s evil, and tells Q to go get them. Q responds to the Anon affirming they were getting them and emphasizes PAIN (with 37 exclamation points). Q provides a link to a Breitbart article in drop #1625. “Some Facebook investors are becoming tired of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s style of running the company and may be considering a coup.” “Facebook, however, does not seem in any hurry to change their current operations.” While the coup didn’t happen, the spotlight continued to shine brightly on Facebook and Zuckerberg.
Q states that law enforcement should interview the therapists in drop #1629. This is in reference to a shooting that occurred on June 28, 2018. “[Jarrod] Ramos is suspected of opening fire Thursday at the offices of Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, and fatally shooting five people while injuring others.” Q emphasizes that each shooter has one, that is a therapist. “Ramos was ultimately placed on 18 months of supervised probation and was ordered to continue therapy.” Q further asks Anons about the shooter’s (broadly) targets, name changes, and relocations. Q ends the drop by asking if spooks were hard to find, further hitting on various corruption within the three-letter agencies, and provides the signature, “dream to reality.”
Drops #1626 and #1627 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1626. The Anon posts a Wikileaks Tweet, highlighting the [Democratic] Senators who demanded Julian Assange’s asylum be revoked in violation of international law. The list of names includes Robert Menendez, Richard Blumenthal, Michael F. Bennet, Joe Manchin III, Diane Feinstein, Richard J. Durbin, Edward J. Markey, Chirstopher A. Coons, Jeanne Shaheen, and Mark R. Warner. Q responds to the Anon by re-emphasizing the server or Assange exposes the truth about Seth Rich. Therefore, the Deep State was in a panic as they sought to remove these risks from the board. Q points back to AWAN and stresses the scope was bigger than Anons could imagine.
Then, Q applies pressure by indicating Putin / Uranium 1 data would drop after the upcoming summit, openly presuming a standard reaction from the legacy media to counter. Q reminds the boards the Deep State is corrupt beyond belief and ends the drop declaring America was placed up for sale and sold out. That line of thinking ties well into a recent Badlands Substack article I wrote titled, “Revolution Founded at the [Crossroads].” Q responds to an Anon in drop #1627. The Anon posts a Tweet from @Wiredsources highlighting a Reuters reporter blaming Trump for the shooting in Maryland, despite no evidence linking him to the shooting. I guess some things really do never change.
Q responds to the Anon by exclaiming Low IQ Maxine Waters should be to blame, declaring the Deep State knew what they were doing. Well, what was Maxine Waters doing? “Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) encouraged supporters at a rally in Los Angeles June 23 [2018] to stand up to members of President Trump’s administration.” Ultimately, she and others were continuously inciting violence through their vile rhetoric towards Trump and his supporters, often explicitly calling for physical confrontation. I’m sure you have seen plenty of clips. SICK!
Drops #1628 and #1630 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1628. The Anon re-posts drop #1626, posts a graphic of a decode, and yells “FREE JULIAN ASSANGE.” The decode connects drop #1195, from April 19, 2018, specifically “JA” and “June ETA,” with an article from John Solomon. In the article, Solomon reports “the effort resulted in the drafting of a limited immunity deal that might have temporarily freed the Wikileaks founder from a London embassy where he has been exiled for years.” However, he also reports “an unexpected intervention by Comey – relayed through Warner – soured the negotiations.” I find the last statement, unhighlighted and not underlined, as the most interesting (from a Softwar perspective). “Assange eventually unleashed a series of leaks that U.S. officials say damaged their cyber warfare capabilities for a long time to come.” Sounds like early days and early phases of a Softwar.
Q provides one of the most identifiable symbols of the Freemasons, the “Square and Compasses.” For academic purposes, here are the understood meanings of the different elements, per Grok. Note, never blindly trust data from AI tools. Always independently, verify. However, for the purposes of what we do here, Grok is a better starting place than Wikipedia.
“Square: Symbolizes morality, truthfulness, and honesty. It teaches Masons to square their actions by the square of virtue, meaning to act with moral rectitude.”
“Compasses: Represents the ability to circumscribe desires and passions, to keep within due bounds, and to remind Masons to keep their actions within the bounds of morality.”
“G: The letter 'G' has dual significance. For some, it stands for ‘God,’ reminding members of their faith in a Supreme Being. For others, particularly in speculative Freemasonry, it represents ‘Geometry,’ which is fundamental to Masonic philosophy, reflecting on the belief that the universe operates according to geometric laws.”
Q asks Anons why Freemasons are on the scene of most shooting locations, openly giving interviews, or found in the background of photos. This is an interesting rabbit hole because, sure enough, over time you can see it occur repeatedly. I’ll leave the extended rabbit hole for the interested reader, but we will highlight any others that are referenced in the drops as we move forward. Remember, symbolism will be their downfall. We’ll continue this discussion in the next drop.
Drops #1631 through #1633 (
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1631. The Anon re-posts drop #1630, affirms Q’s suggestion, and posts a Tweet from May 5, 2018, highlighting a square and compasses logo appearing during an interview from the Santa Fe high school shooting. Q responds to the Anon by posting a photo from around December 2, 2015, highlighting a square and compasses logo appearing during an interview from the San Bernadino shooting. Q exclaims, “everywhere!”
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1632. The Anon says, “Make Freemasonry Great Again,” and suggests the clowns infiltrated them long ago and have been since abusing its structure. Q responds to the Anon by stating that all powerful organizations have sinister components. Q further clarifies that, like other entities (e.g. three-letter agencies), not all freemasons are bad apples. Q ends the drop by asking if bad apples should spoil the whole bunch. Ultimately, all congregations are vulnerable to this type of labeling (right, wrong, or indifferent) over time as their members take individual and collective action (directly or indirectly related to the congregation). As always, I will let you decide.
Q responds to an Anon in drop # 1633. The Anon posts an August 24, 2013, Tweet from Jarod Ramos where he says, “My therapist told me people don’t search that. Counseling – much like small talk – bullshit.” The Anon declares, “therapist confirmed.” Q responds to the Anon by asking if it were a coincidence and emphasizes everything stated on the boards was intentional. Q instructs Anons to find paper articles related to the freemasons. Q ends the drop with the word [controlled].
Drops #1631 through #1633 (
Q posts a link to a web archive of Jarrod’s blog and specifically highlights the bottom graphic in drop #1634. This graphic, the Ramos family crest, appears below a section titled “open season” where Jarrod ends, “a crusader they could not kill approaches.”
Q responds to an Anon in drop #1635. The Anon posts a screenshot of a symbol titled, “brand of sacrifice.” The description suggests a transaction of life to feed a “child of darkness.” Q responds with no text, highlighting the data. Q responds to an Anon in drop #1636. The Anon re-posts drop #1635 and asks if all shooters were marked with the brand. Q responds to the Anon by stating the key was the therapist. Q provides a series of data to help the Anons dig.
Ultimately, weak minds can be manipulated through emotion-based psychological operations. In many cases, the victim is made to feel marginalized and then presented with some symbol of belonging. Once this link has been established it can be exploited to control the victim by suggesting they must carry out a duty to keep or grow their sense of belonging. We can see this prominently in the transgender agenda and the methodologies used to push transitioning on minors.
Q tells Anons to find the link (common denominator), points to an error that had been made, and clarifies a name could be found due to a filing error. Q tells Anons to think about the authenticity of the name, background, office, other patients, plans to relocate, etc. Q states that the discussion had trended towards the line of being attacked as a “conspiracy theory” and therefore ends the discussion (for now). Q ends the drop by indicating Gina Haspel would need to find and terminate this classified program. We will continue the discussion next time!
If you have made it to the end, congratulations! I hope you have had a wonderful week. For my perspective on current events and how they relate to the Q drops, please watch Eye of the Storm and Rugpull Radio on Badlands Media! Things are absolutely wild right now with no indications it will slow down anytime soon! Please show your support by subscribing and sharing the content. Hodl the line, relinquish nothing, advance when possible! God Bless, Patriots!
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1 John 4:5-6 (NKJV) “They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
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Patriots in Progress is my "opinion." Anything said by me, or my guests is either opinion, criticism, information, or commentary. This content is not financial advice. I encourage you to use this as a starting point to do / continue your own research.
All enlightenment in Q drops is fascinating. Thank you so much, PIP
Thanks PiP, as we roll into Trump 2.0 the Q Drops seem to take on even more meaning each day. The evil that is at the heart of these DS Rat Bastards and how they have no regard for human life is so horrific to see play out. But it puts such a big smile on my face when I see the trolling that Q put on the cabal.
The Golden Age begins Monday.
I miss you on Rugpull Radio.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!