All Q Drops – Part 161: Traitors Everywhere. America for Sale. Zuck Tries to Mask & Spin. BOOMs in Texas.
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How this Works
For each publication, I will review at least one Q drop and discuss at a high level. There is a vast amount of data out there that I cannot not hope to capture in these publications. Therefore, I encourage each of you to independently research the data and come to your own conclusions.
Drops #951 through #954 (
Q provides the signature March Madness in drop #951. Last time we discussed this signature, I pointed to the Ides of March. Another interpretation that is relevant is the March Madness college basketball tournament that culminates in March. Q will make reference to terminology familiar with the event (i.e. filling out brackets) later in the drops. Q ends the drop by indicating this future event will occur prior to mass public awakening. I always do, but will especially have my eyes open next March, as we move into the 2024 election cycle. Q mentions two individuals (i.e. @) using [3] and [19] in drop #952. After some digging, there were several thoughts Anons had regarding the meaning. Some believe Q was referencing @S[ ] (i.e. 19) and @C[ ] (i.e. 3) with the [1st] being a new marker to connect the two, some believe Q was referencing the 19 who would cease to exist from drops #617 and #618, some believe Q was referencing the 19 who were in the meeting from drop #541, and some believe Q was referencing something else entirely or some combination of everything. As always, I will let you decide.
I tend to lean to the former, seeing how Q continues re-referencing [the LINK] and highlighting John Perry Barlow in the place of marker [1] or [1st]. It seems Q is indicating the 2 players referenced are linked by / to John Perry Barlow (whether positive or negative). Q ends the drop by stating that Trump and the Patriots had the sub, which would result in the release of a hostage, shattering the clowns into 1000 pieces. Based on the context of the drops, this likely has multiple meanings. One, it is likely in reference to NK / Kim Jong Un (reference “find the link” drop #744). Two, this is likely in reference to a complex destruction of the surveillance state through the Bitpower electro-cyber security protocol.
Q asks how bad the corruption is in drop #953. Q provides the FBI, DOJ, and STATE (department) headings and provides two #1 spots for each, a #2 spot for each, and +29 (16), +18, and +41, respectively. In doing this, Q further qualifies the significant amount of corruption within these organizations. Remember, we are [only scratching the surface] with these publications! Q indicates the Deep State is fighting for much more than to retain a seat, they are fighting for everything! Q then points to a variety of projection tactics that were ongoing, such as the Russia Hoax, Russia Bots, Orange Man Bad, and Deep State good. I find this next section particularly striking as it seems to predict the 2020 election theft. While there were Biden / Ukraine / China developments during the Trump Administration (e.g. quid pro Joe) the drop was made on March 17, 2018, almost three years prior to the inauguration of the Brandon regime. Q states Biden / China and indicates there would be a big development that would be characterized by TRAITORS EVERYWHERE and AMERICA FOR SALE. Top Kek.
Q switches gears and re-highlights General Flynn and how he had been targeted. Remember, Flynn had insight into much, if not all, of the corruption that had taken place during the Obama administration and Hillary State Department. Q provides a future proves past marker that he would be cleared of all charges, which came to fruition in June of 2020. “A federal court has moved to dismiss charges against ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, one of several Trump associates convicted of lying.” “The ruling orders the judge overseeing the Flynn case to immediately drop all charges and cease his scrutiny of the DOJ decision to drop the long-running prosecution. If the case is not appealed, Flynn will be legally exonerated” ( Again, as if predicting the 2020 election debacle, they ask if there will be a second Trump administration. Many believe a second Trump administration is inevitable. Therefore, many believe Q is indicating General Flynn will have a role in this administration.
Q provides some additional future proves past markers by pointing towards the impeachment attempts that would come, which did for Trump and have been alluded to for Biden. While this could change at any moment, it does not appear impeachment or the 25th Amendment will be used to remove Biden, even though the narrative circulates. Almost as if he is stuck in the spotlight. Kek. Ultimately, if they do go down this path, by the time they get there, it will be too late (i.e. likely into late 2024). Q ends the drop by reminding Anons that these elaborate corruption schemes are conceived and promulgated on the fundamental premise that we are stupid, domesticated feeders. Again, public awakening and unity is how we end the war. Remember, justice happens outside of their system. Q points to the coming week in drop #954. Q ends the drops with three BOOMs.
Drops #955 through #958 and #960 (
Q re-posts drop #954 in drop #955. Q indicates the United State’s Marine Corp had been activated and references 3 actions in the United States. Interestingly, earlier that week, Trump visited Marine Corps Air Station in Miramar, California. It was here he introduced the idea of the Space Force. “President Donald Trump on Tuesday said his new national security strategy recognizes that space is a theater of war, and he floated the idea of creating a Space Force, a branch of the military that would operate outside of earth’s atmosphere.” ( Q pokes the Deep State in drop #956 by highlighting their incessant panic and encourages Anons to enjoy the show. As I pondered that phrase again today, I believe Q used signatures like this to encourage Anons to not respond via emotions (which we are programmed to do by various constructs of the system) when viewing events that would occur (knowing it would inevitably get crazy as the active war raged). Remember, emotional response is a key tenant of many psychological operations that are conducted.
Q asks Anons why trip codes were allowed on the boards in drop #957. Q provides the answer by telling Anons it allowed them to create and manage a whitelist. “A whitelist, allowlist, or passlist is a mechanism which explicitly allows some identified entities to access a particular privilege, service, mobility, or recognition i.e. it is a list of things allowed when everything is denied by default” ( Q tells Anons the FBI had opened a case against Q in response to the Boom statements that were made in prior drops and the Texas bombings.
“For the fourth time this month, a bomb exploded in an Austin residential neighborhood Sunday night, seriously injuring two people and alarming law enforcement that a sophisticated ‘serial bomber’ might be at work in Austin’s capital city.” “A 22-year-old man and a 23-year-old man were walking along a sidewalk when they inadvertently triggered the bomb, which was sitting near a fence.” “That raises the total number of victims in the bombings to six — two who were killed and four others who were seriously injured” ( If you look backwards at all the boom statements, Q provided the 1st boom mention in drop #830, on March 3, 2018. This was followed by 9 more posts with at least 1 boom up to this point. However, the first bombing in Texas occurred on March 2, 2018, which was before the first boom statement. Therefore, Q indicates the Deep State was attempting to use the unrelated connection to stop Q from posting on the boards. Q indicates these types of moves / countermoves were predictable, anticipated, and would fail. The markers [4am] and [Wednesday] are embedded in this drop and point to the death of the bomber, who blew himself up around 4am that morning (see below).
Q re-posts drop #956 in drop #960 and provides a link to the first episode of Comedy Central’s show called, “The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper.” Doing some digging the show’s goal was to create satire around various discussion points that were labeled as right-wing. While I didn’t find this exact episode footage, I did include a relevant clip below to illustrate the show. The description of the show I was able to find indicates the show was on an “online conspiracy.” Wonder which one? Kek. I also note the shows repeated use of the band “Of Montreal.” While I am not familiar with the band, what little bit I did catch in video and pictures was more than plenty. I’ll leave that rabbit hole for the interested digger. Ultimately, I believe Q would highlight the use of and ramping up of various LGBTQ+ narratives, which are now very prominent today.
Drops #959 and #961 through #963 (
Q points to Mark Zuckerberg in drop #959. Q indicates Mark had a big meeting with Rex Tillerson and others (politicians, former intelligence director, etc.). This meeting was sensitive enough phones were not allowed in the room (potentially a SCIF meeting). Q indicates the meeting was to mask (i.e. cover) and spin (i.e. re-direct) various damaging narratives that were out there (likely those surrounding Mark’s April 2018 Capitol Hill testimony regarding data misuse). Q further clarifies that the meeting was to identify friendly “insiders” (i.e. those inside non-Deep State circles who could be leveraged) and support the legacy media through the development / provision of talking points, to change the narrative. Q tells these individuals their plans would fail as did their intentions of secrecy. Q reminds them Trump and the Patriots had the algorithm, and indicates Snowden was instrumental in that acquisition. Q ends the drop with the signatures down she goes, nobody escapes this, NOBODY. Remember, they never thought she would lose. Now they all lose.
Q waits a few days, until early morning, before posting drop #961. Q states they were changing the trip code. Thirty-five seconds later, Q posts drop #962. Q states the trip code had been updated, as you can see if you compare the string next to the Q in the top of the drops. Q states the clock had been activated in drop #963. Q follows this up with RED_CASTLE, GREEN_CASTLE, and Stage_5:5[y] stringers. These will be relevant in future publications.
If you have made it to the end, congratulations! I hope you have had a wonderful week. For my perspective on current events and how they relate to the Q drops, please watch Eye of the Storm and Rugpull Radio on Badlands Media! Things are absolutely wild right now with no indications it will slow down anytime soon! Please show your support by subscribing and sharing the content. Hodl the line, relinquish nothing, advance when possible! God Bless, Patriots!
Rugpull Radio #51:
EOTS #59:
EOTS #60:
1 John 4:5-6 (NKJV) “They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
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Patriots in Progress is my "opinion." Anything said by me, or my guests is either opinion, criticism, information, or commentary. This content is not financial advice. I encourage you to use this as a starting point to do / continue your own research.
And some people pretend Q in not real...
Thanks for another great Q journey.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!